Thursday, April 25, 2024

2086 of 3000: When and where were you happiest? Embracing Self-Love and Celebrating Success: A Junior's Journey in the School of Social Work

Today, I want to share with you a deeply personal and transformative journey that has brought me immense happiness and fulfillment. As a junior in the School of Social Work, I have discovered the power of self-love and witnessed the fruits of my hard work. Join me as I reflect on this incredible experience and look forward to the upcoming senior year.

Discovering Self-Love

The path to self-love is often paved with challenges and self-doubt. Like many others, I have grappled with insecurities and questioned my worth. However, my journey through the School of Social Work has taught me the invaluable lesson of embracing self-love. It was during this time that I realized the importance of valuing myself, my dreams, and my accomplishments.

While academic success is undoubtedly important, it is equally crucial to acknowledge personal growth and the strength found within. By cultivating self-compassion and nurturing my own well-being, I have discovered that happiness radiates from within. Each day, I strive to treat myself with kindness, understanding, and patience, allowing myself to flourish not only as a student but as a person.

The Joy of Junior Year

Junior year has been an incredible milestone in my journey. As a junior, I have had the opportunity to delve deeper into the field of social work, expanding my knowledge and honing my skills. The curriculum has provided me with a strong foundation, equipping me with the tools necessary to make a difference in the lives of others.

Throughout the year, I have been fortunate to engage in hands-on experiences, such as internships and community service projects. These experiences have allowed me to witness the transformative power of social work firsthand. Whether it's advocating for marginalized communities, providing support to vulnerable individuals, or working to address systemic issues, I feel a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in the work I do.

Celebrating Success and Looking Ahead

As I reflect upon my junior year, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and joy. The countless hours spent studying, the late nights working on assignments, and the moments of self-doubt have all been worth it. I have seen the fruits of my labor, both in terms of personal growth and academic achievements.

Becoming a senior this coming year fills me with excitement and anticipation. The journey ahead may be challenging, but I am confident that my experiences thus far have prepared me well. I look forward to further expanding my knowledge, engaging in advanced coursework, and continuing to make a positive impact in the field of social work.


Embracing self-love and witnessing the success of being a junior in the School of Social Work has been a truly transformative experience. Through this journey, I have learned to appreciate my own worth, celebrate my accomplishments, and remain steadfast in my commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

As I prepare to enter my senior year, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities I have had and the lessons I have learned. I encourage each and every one of you to embark on your own journey of self-love and celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small. Remember, happiness and fulfillment lie within you, waiting to be discovered and cherished.

So, let us embrace self-love, nurture our dreams, and continue to make a positive impact on the world around us. Together, we can create a brighter and more compassionate future.

Arrogance & The Code of Ethics In Journalism

The journalist lens is not a social worker lens - keep that in mind:

Journalists adhere to a code of ethics to ensure accuracy, fairness, and integrity in their work. While specific codes may vary slightly depending on the organization or country, the core principles generally remain consistent. Here are some key elements commonly found in the journalist's code of ethics:

Truth and Accuracy: Journalists have an obligation to report the truth and strive for accuracy in all aspects of their work. They should verify information from multiple sources and be transparent about the sources of their information.

Independence and Objectivity: Journalists should maintain independence from political, commercial, or other external influences that may compromise their journalistic integrity. They should avoid conflicts of interest and present news and information in an unbiased and impartial manner.

Fairness and Impartiality: Journalists should treat all subjects of their reporting with fairness and respect. They should present a balanced view of events and avoid promoting their personal opinions or biases in their reporting.

Privacy and Sensitivity: Journalists should respect the privacy of individuals and exercise caution when reporting on matters involving personal or sensitive information. They should consider the potential impact of their reporting on individuals and communities.

Accountability and Corrections: Journalists should be accountable for the accuracy and fairness of their reporting. If errors or inaccuracies occur, they should promptly correct them and provide a fair opportunity for individuals or organizations to respond to criticisms or accusations.

Independence from Commercial Influence: Journalists should maintain a clear separation between editorial content and advertising or other commercial interests. They should avoid any actions that could compromise their professional integrity or create the perception of bias.

Protection of Sources: Journalists should protect the confidentiality of their sources, recognizing the importance of anonymous sources in providing information in the public interest. They should resist efforts to force the disclosure of confidential sources unless required by law.

When journalists witness harm or are confronted with situations where harm may occur, their ethical responsibilities come into play. While there may not be a specific code of ethics provision that addresses this exact scenario, several general ethical principles guide journalists in such situations. Here are some key considerations:

Duty to Minimize Harm: Journalists have a duty to minimize harm while reporting on events or issues. They should consider the potential impact of their reporting on individuals and communities and take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary harm. This includes being sensitive to the cultural, social, and emotional implications of their reporting.

Prioritize Public Interest: Journalists should prioritize the public interest when reporting on situations involving harm. They should consider the potential benefits and risks of their reporting and strive to provide information that serves the greater good.

Informed Consent: When reporting on sensitive situations that involve individuals who may be harmed or affected, journalists should seek informed consent whenever possible. This means obtaining permission from those involved before publishing their personal information or images, especially in cases where the disclosure could cause further harm or distress.

Balancing Public Interest and Privacy: Journalists need to strike a balance between the public's right to know and an individual's right to privacy. They should carefully consider whether the harm they may witness justifies the public interest in reporting on it, and whether there are alternative ways to convey the information without causing unnecessary harm.

Safety and Well-being of Sources: Journalists should prioritize the safety and well-being of their sources, especially in situations where harm may occur. They should take precautions to protect the identity and confidentiality of their sources, particularly when reporting on sensitive or dangerous topics.

Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Importance of Self-Care


This is the self-care presentation I did, which this blog came from.
This assignment inspired THIS blog.
This is the birth video, sort-of.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Where have I been?


Dear readers,

I owe you all an apology for my prolonged absence from the blogosphere. You may be wondering what caused this unfortunate delay in sharing my brilliant thoughts and hilarious anecdotes with you. Well, let me regale you with a tale that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

You see, it all started when I stumbled upon a hidden treasure map while cleaning out my cluttered attic. Intrigued by the promise of adventure and unimaginable riches, I couldn't resist the temptation to embark on a quest of epic proportions.

Armed with a rusty compass and a trusty sidekick—a talking parrot named Sir Squawks-a-Lot—I ventured into the wilderness, eager to uncover the secret location of the treasure. Little did I know that this treasure hunt would test my wits, stamina, and ability to outrun an army of mischievous monkeys.

Days turned into weeks as we battled treacherous terrain, deciphered cryptic riddles, and even encountered a tribe of friendly yet eccentric alien beings. At one point, we found ourselves trapped in an ancient temple with booby traps aplenty, narrowly escaping being squashed by giant rolling boulders and outwitting an army of ancient warrior statues.

As the days went by, I kept telling myself, "Just one more clue, and I'll be back to blogging in no time!" But alas, the treasure seemed to play an elaborate game of hide-and-seek, challenging my determination and causing me to lose track of time.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we stumbled upon the treasure chest buried deep within a hidden cave. Diamonds, gold coins, and priceless artifacts sparkled before our eyes, confirming our victorious success. But in the midst of our celebratory dance, I suddenly realized that I had neglected my beloved blog for an entire week.

So, dear readers, please forgive my prolonged absence. I assure you that the treasure we discovered will fund many future adventures, and I promise to regale you with tales of our escapades in the weeks to come. And who knows, maybe I'll even share some tips on how to outrun mischievous monkeys!

Thank you for your understanding, and stay tuned for more thrilling stories from a treasure-hunting blogger like no other.

Yours adventurously,

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