Thursday, April 25, 2024

2086 of 3000: When and where were you happiest? Embracing Self-Love and Celebrating Success: A Junior's Journey in the School of Social Work

Today, I want to share with you a deeply personal and transformative journey that has brought me immense happiness and fulfillment. As a junior in the School of Social Work, I have discovered the power of self-love and witnessed the fruits of my hard work. Join me as I reflect on this incredible experience and look forward to the upcoming senior year.

Discovering Self-Love

The path to self-love is often paved with challenges and self-doubt. Like many others, I have grappled with insecurities and questioned my worth. However, my journey through the School of Social Work has taught me the invaluable lesson of embracing self-love. It was during this time that I realized the importance of valuing myself, my dreams, and my accomplishments.

While academic success is undoubtedly important, it is equally crucial to acknowledge personal growth and the strength found within. By cultivating self-compassion and nurturing my own well-being, I have discovered that happiness radiates from within. Each day, I strive to treat myself with kindness, understanding, and patience, allowing myself to flourish not only as a student but as a person.

The Joy of Junior Year

Junior year has been an incredible milestone in my journey. As a junior, I have had the opportunity to delve deeper into the field of social work, expanding my knowledge and honing my skills. The curriculum has provided me with a strong foundation, equipping me with the tools necessary to make a difference in the lives of others.

Throughout the year, I have been fortunate to engage in hands-on experiences, such as internships and community service projects. These experiences have allowed me to witness the transformative power of social work firsthand. Whether it's advocating for marginalized communities, providing support to vulnerable individuals, or working to address systemic issues, I feel a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment in the work I do.

Celebrating Success and Looking Ahead

As I reflect upon my junior year, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride and joy. The countless hours spent studying, the late nights working on assignments, and the moments of self-doubt have all been worth it. I have seen the fruits of my labor, both in terms of personal growth and academic achievements.

Becoming a senior this coming year fills me with excitement and anticipation. The journey ahead may be challenging, but I am confident that my experiences thus far have prepared me well. I look forward to further expanding my knowledge, engaging in advanced coursework, and continuing to make a positive impact in the field of social work.


Embracing self-love and witnessing the success of being a junior in the School of Social Work has been a truly transformative experience. Through this journey, I have learned to appreciate my own worth, celebrate my accomplishments, and remain steadfast in my commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

As I prepare to enter my senior year, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities I have had and the lessons I have learned. I encourage each and every one of you to embark on your own journey of self-love and celebrate your successes, no matter how big or small. Remember, happiness and fulfillment lie within you, waiting to be discovered and cherished.

So, let us embrace self-love, nurture our dreams, and continue to make a positive impact on the world around us. Together, we can create a brighter and more compassionate future.

Arrogance & The Code of Ethics In Journalism

The journalist lens is not a social worker lens - keep that in mind:

Journalists adhere to a code of ethics to ensure accuracy, fairness, and integrity in their work. While specific codes may vary slightly depending on the organization or country, the core principles generally remain consistent. Here are some key elements commonly found in the journalist's code of ethics:

Truth and Accuracy: Journalists have an obligation to report the truth and strive for accuracy in all aspects of their work. They should verify information from multiple sources and be transparent about the sources of their information.

Independence and Objectivity: Journalists should maintain independence from political, commercial, or other external influences that may compromise their journalistic integrity. They should avoid conflicts of interest and present news and information in an unbiased and impartial manner.

Fairness and Impartiality: Journalists should treat all subjects of their reporting with fairness and respect. They should present a balanced view of events and avoid promoting their personal opinions or biases in their reporting.

Privacy and Sensitivity: Journalists should respect the privacy of individuals and exercise caution when reporting on matters involving personal or sensitive information. They should consider the potential impact of their reporting on individuals and communities.

Accountability and Corrections: Journalists should be accountable for the accuracy and fairness of their reporting. If errors or inaccuracies occur, they should promptly correct them and provide a fair opportunity for individuals or organizations to respond to criticisms or accusations.

Independence from Commercial Influence: Journalists should maintain a clear separation between editorial content and advertising or other commercial interests. They should avoid any actions that could compromise their professional integrity or create the perception of bias.

Protection of Sources: Journalists should protect the confidentiality of their sources, recognizing the importance of anonymous sources in providing information in the public interest. They should resist efforts to force the disclosure of confidential sources unless required by law.

When journalists witness harm or are confronted with situations where harm may occur, their ethical responsibilities come into play. While there may not be a specific code of ethics provision that addresses this exact scenario, several general ethical principles guide journalists in such situations. Here are some key considerations:

Duty to Minimize Harm: Journalists have a duty to minimize harm while reporting on events or issues. They should consider the potential impact of their reporting on individuals and communities and take reasonable measures to avoid unnecessary harm. This includes being sensitive to the cultural, social, and emotional implications of their reporting.

Prioritize Public Interest: Journalists should prioritize the public interest when reporting on situations involving harm. They should consider the potential benefits and risks of their reporting and strive to provide information that serves the greater good.

Informed Consent: When reporting on sensitive situations that involve individuals who may be harmed or affected, journalists should seek informed consent whenever possible. This means obtaining permission from those involved before publishing their personal information or images, especially in cases where the disclosure could cause further harm or distress.

Balancing Public Interest and Privacy: Journalists need to strike a balance between the public's right to know and an individual's right to privacy. They should carefully consider whether the harm they may witness justifies the public interest in reporting on it, and whether there are alternative ways to convey the information without causing unnecessary harm.

Safety and Well-being of Sources: Journalists should prioritize the safety and well-being of their sources, especially in situations where harm may occur. They should take precautions to protect the identity and confidentiality of their sources, particularly when reporting on sensitive or dangerous topics.

Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance.

Monday, April 22, 2024

The Importance of Self-Care


This is the self-care presentation I did, which this blog came from.
This assignment inspired THIS blog.
This is the birth video, sort-of.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Where have I been?


Dear readers,

I owe you all an apology for my prolonged absence from the blogosphere. You may be wondering what caused this unfortunate delay in sharing my brilliant thoughts and hilarious anecdotes with you. Well, let me regale you with a tale that will surely bring a smile to your faces.

You see, it all started when I stumbled upon a hidden treasure map while cleaning out my cluttered attic. Intrigued by the promise of adventure and unimaginable riches, I couldn't resist the temptation to embark on a quest of epic proportions.

Armed with a rusty compass and a trusty sidekick—a talking parrot named Sir Squawks-a-Lot—I ventured into the wilderness, eager to uncover the secret location of the treasure. Little did I know that this treasure hunt would test my wits, stamina, and ability to outrun an army of mischievous monkeys.

Days turned into weeks as we battled treacherous terrain, deciphered cryptic riddles, and even encountered a tribe of friendly yet eccentric alien beings. At one point, we found ourselves trapped in an ancient temple with booby traps aplenty, narrowly escaping being squashed by giant rolling boulders and outwitting an army of ancient warrior statues.

As the days went by, I kept telling myself, "Just one more clue, and I'll be back to blogging in no time!" But alas, the treasure seemed to play an elaborate game of hide-and-seek, challenging my determination and causing me to lose track of time.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we stumbled upon the treasure chest buried deep within a hidden cave. Diamonds, gold coins, and priceless artifacts sparkled before our eyes, confirming our victorious success. But in the midst of our celebratory dance, I suddenly realized that I had neglected my beloved blog for an entire week.

So, dear readers, please forgive my prolonged absence. I assure you that the treasure we discovered will fund many future adventures, and I promise to regale you with tales of our escapades in the weeks to come. And who knows, maybe I'll even share some tips on how to outrun mischievous monkeys!

Thank you for your understanding, and stay tuned for more thrilling stories from a treasure-hunting blogger like no other.

Yours adventurously,

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Embracing Solitude: Overcoming the Fear of Loneliness and Isolation

The desire for social acceptance and the fear of being hated can often lead individuals to avoid solitude and seek constant validation from others. However, learning to overcome this fear is essential for personal growth, self-discovery, and cultivating a healthy sense of self. In this article, we will explore practical strategies to overcome the fear of loneliness and embrace solitude as a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and personal development. I am as of late sad, overhelmed with fear, and have a lot of anxiety that seems to cripple me.

Loneliness is a subjective feeling that arises when one perceives a discrepancy between desired and actual social connections. It's important to distinguish between solitude and loneliness. Solitude is a state of being alone, while loneliness is the distressing emotional response to feeling disconnected from others. Isolation, on the other hand, refers to a lack of social interaction and can be a consequence of external circumstances or personal choices.

The first step in overcoming the fear of loneliness and isolation is to embark on a journey of self-reflection and self-acceptance. Take the time to understand your fears, insecurities, and what triggers them. Recognize that everyone experiences moments of loneliness and isolation, and it does not define your worth as a person. Embrace self-compassion and practice self-care to build a strong foundation of self-acceptance.

While solitude can be empowering, it's important to cultivate meaningful relationships in your life. Surround yourself with people who support and uplift you. Seek out communities or social groups that share your interests or values. Remember that quality matters more than quantity when it comes to relationships. Invest your time and energy in those who genuinely care for you, and let go of toxic relationships that drain your emotional well-being.

Loneliness often stems from a lack of engagement in fulfilling activities. Take this opportunity to explore your passions, hobbies, and interests. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment not only helps to combat loneliness but also provides a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Join clubs, classes, or volunteer for a cause that resonates with you. By immersing yourself in meaningful activities, you'll naturally attract like-minded individuals and expand your social circle.

Building emotional resilience is crucial in overcoming the fear of loneliness and isolation. Learn to manage and regulate your emotions effectively. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or journaling to develop a deeper understanding of your inner thoughts and feelings. Cultivate a positive mindset and challenge negative self-talk. By developing emotional resilience, you'll be better equipped to navigate moments of solitude without feeling overwhelmed by fear or self-doubt.

If feelings of loneliness and isolation persist and significantly impact your daily life, seeking professional help can be beneficial. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance, support, and help you develop coping strategies specific to your circumstances. They can also help you explore any underlying issues that contribute to your fear of loneliness and provide techniques to address them effectively.

If feelings of loneliness and isolation persist and significantly impact your daily life, seeking professional help can be beneficial. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance, support, and help you develop coping strategies specific to your circumstances. They can also help you explore any underlying issues that contribute to your fear of loneliness and provide techniques to address them effectively.

If feelings of loneliness and isolation persist and significantly impact your daily life, seeking professional help can be beneficial. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance, support, and help you develop coping strategies specific to your circumstances. They can also help you explore any underlying issues that contribute to your fear of loneliness and provide techniques to address them effectively.

Overcoming the fear of loneliness and isolation is a transformative process that requires self-reflection, self-acceptance, and a willingness to embrace solitude. By understanding the distinction between solitude and loneliness, cultivating healthy relationships, engaging in meaningful activities, developing emotional resilience, and seeking professional help when necessary, you can overcome this fear and discover the beauty and growth that can emerge from moments of solitude. Embrace the opportunity to connect with your authentic self, nurture your passions, and build a strong foundation of self-worth that will empower you to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience.

Authenticity is key to building meaningful connections. Be true to yourself and let others see the real you. Share your thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities with others, as this creates a space for genuine connection and allows others to reciprocate.

If you want to be my friend, I will gladly welcome you into my circle.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Why am I awake at 3AM?


** This post is just for fun as I cannot sleep.

Hey there, fellow nocturnal creatures! It's 3AM, and guess what? We're wide awake and ready to embark on a bizarre journey through the mystical realm of sleeplessness. So, why am I up at this ungodly hour? Well, let me weave you a tale of strange happenings and questionable life choices.

You see, while the rest of the world is peacefully dreaming of unicorns and rainbows, we brave souls are here, defying the laws of nature and embracing the night like it's our own personal playground. It's as if we've been granted exclusive access to a secret dimension where time operates differently and sanity takes a vacation.

Now, you might be wondering what brings us to this nocturnal wonderland. Could it be an unquenchable thirst for knowledge? Perhaps. Maybe it's the irresistible allure of late-night snacks, where the boundaries of acceptable food combinations vanish, and we find ourselves feasting on peanut butter and pickles. Hey, don't knock it till you've tried it! 

Note to self: please do not forget you are not a fan of pickles.

But wait, there's more! The late hours of the night provide the perfect opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. It's when our minds wander off on wild tangents, contemplating the meaning of life, the universe, and why on earth we're still awake. Deep thoughts mix with delirium, creating a concoction of brilliance and utter nonsense.

Let's not forget the absurd activities that fill our 3AM adventures. From engaging in impromptu dance parties in our living rooms to attempting to solve complex mathematical equations without a calculator (spoiler alert: it never ends well), we embrace the weirdness and revel in the freedom the night bestows upon us.

Now, some may call us night owls, insomniacs, or just plain crazy. But we prefer to think of ourselves as pioneers of the unconventional, explorers of the ungodly hours, and champions of the sleep-deprived. Who needs a regular sleep schedule when you can have an unpredictable, topsy-turvy existence?

So, the next time someone asks why you're up at 3AM, let out a mischievous smile and tell them you're part of an elite group of thrill-seekers who have unlocked the secrets of the night. Embrace your inner weirdness, my friends, and remember, the night is young, and so are we (or at least that's what we keep telling ourselves).

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a talking squirrel and a conspiracy theory about cats plotting world domination. (Not really....) Stay weird, stay awake, and may your 3AM adventures be as delightfully bizarre as mine.

Until the sun rises or sanity returns (whichever comes first),

Your Fearless 3AM Explorer

2087 of 3000: Who is/was my greatest love?


One of the harshest and most gut-wrenching truths I've had to confront is that the love I once poured into my family is no longer reciprocated. It's a painful reality that cuts deep, leaving me grappling with a profound sense of abandonment and betrayal. It is me and my Sister, which is what is remaining from my immediate family. I deeply value and cherish a specific aspect of my family dynamic, as it continues to provide me with a profound sense of comfort and unwavering support. This particular facet of my family structure holds immense significance to me, symbolizing a source of solace and reassurance in my life. They know who they are. :)

The demise of the patriarchy marked a significant turning point, leading to the dissolution of what I had previously regarded as the most esteemed family in existence.

But amidst the shattered pieces of my heart, a seismic shift has occurred. Today, my greatest love is directed inward, towards myself. As I traverse the trenches of my junior year as a social work student at Spalding University, I have embarked on an odyssey of self-discovery—an arduous journey of introspection, observation, and profound growth.

In this transformative process, I have unearthed a sobering revelation: I have not honored my own worth enough to establish and enforce healthy boundaries. When I mustered the courage to draw the line and safeguard my well-being, I was met with disdain and hostility. The people around me failed to appreciate the essence of my self-care endeavors, and it became painfully apparent that I had surrounded myself with individuals who exploit my kindness, perceiving it as a weakness to be exploited.

Caught in a labyrinth of anguish, I confess that thoughts of revenge have haunted my mind—a toxic yearning that threatens to poison my very being. But I now recognize the insidious nature of this impulse. I understand that true healing cannot be found in seeking retribution. Instead, it demands that I prioritize my growth, my resilience, and my inner peace.

To fully comprehend the enormity of my plight, I must face the haunting specters of my family dynamics—a haunting tapestry woven from neglect, mental abuse, physical torment, and the haunting specter of sexual violation. These wounds run deep, leaving indelible scars that may never fully fade. Yet, I refuse to be defined solely by the pain inflicted upon me. I stand firm, resolute in my pursuit of liberation.

In this pivotal moment, I embrace my journey of self-discovery as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness. I seek solace in the arms of trusted allies—friends, mentors, and professionals—who can guide me through the labyrinth of trauma towards the shores of healing. Therapy and counseling shall become my compass, illuminating the path towards resilience and renewal.

I implore not only myself but also all those who bear the weight of similar burdens to remember our worth. We are deserving of love, respect, and a life free from the shackles of abuse. It is time to shed the toxic ties that threaten our very existence and surround ourselves with genuine compassion and support. Together, we shall summon the strength to redefine our narratives, reclaim our voices, and forge a future imbued with profound healing and unyielding self-love.

I grew weary of enduring the effects of relentless psychological mistreatment, as well as the persistent sensation of not belonging. These sentiments frequently plague me, and the profound insecurity I experience stems from enduring a pattern of psychological manipulation to such an extent that it has given rise to imposter syndrome within me.

In the depths of my being, I now speak with unwavering certainty, for I have carried the heavy burden of a past riddled with unspeakable pain. As an innocent infant, I endured the harrowing experience of sexual abuse. Throughout my childhood, the scars of physical abuse etched themselves upon my tender existence. In the tumultuous years of adolescence, my spirit was battered by the relentless storm of mental abuse. Neglect, in the form of a lack of nurturing activities to instill confidence, further cast me adrift in the treacherous sea of growing up. Whose fault, then, shall we assign to this shattered reality?

Amidst an economic backdrop of privilege, my family's world crumbled as my parents' divorce shattered our once-stable home. We were uprooted from a middle-class neighborhood to an unfamiliar territory, where acceptance proved elusive amongst unfamiliar faces. Though not plunged into the depths of lower-class existence, the new environment and its peers failed to embrace my presence entirely. Sheltered and devoid of confidence in essential life skills, I was left to navigate the early stages of life's journey with a pervasive sense of isolation. Yet, within the depths of this desolation, I found solace in the companionship of my sister and the fortitude to overcome external barriers erected by step-parents.

Now, in the present, I stand at the precipice of self-discovery. Learning to love myself has become a sacred journey—an act of defiance against the pain that once consumed me. With each resolute "no" uttered, I reclaim my agency and forge a path free from the shackles of those who sought to hold me back. I am awakening to the profound truth that I have the power to create my own family—a chosen family built on love and support. I am discovering the essence of true happiness—no longer reliant on the validation of others. And as I step forward, I leave behind the shadows that once haunted me, moving towards a future where the chains of the past hold no sway over my destiny.

This is my comeback story—an unwavering testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Through the depths of darkness, I have emerged, scarred yet undefeated. I share my journey as a beacon of hope, a reminder that we possess within us the strength to overcome, the capacity to heal, and the power to shape our own destinies.

My greatest love now, is ME.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Multiple Sclerosis Update: Meet "Doodle," my newest lesion. He's housebroken.


This little "Doodle" is brand new, part of my collection of MS Lesions, and basically fun to look at but quite gentle.

I'll share more about "Doodle" and the rest of my collection later this week, but take a moment to introduce yourself and become friends. He is quite the conversationalist.

Alrighty, let me introduce you to Doodle, the mischievous troublemaker in the world of multiple sclerosis! So, you know your body has this immune system that's supposed to protect you, right? Well, sometimes mine gets a little carried away and starts attacking the myelin sheath, which is like the fancy armor around your nerve fibers.

Now, Doodle is like this little rebel that loves snacking on the myelin. It's as if a tiny graffiti artist decided to doodle all over your central nervous system. So, as Doodle goes on its munching spree, it leaves behind these little damaged areas called MS lesions. They're like little reminders of Doodle's artistic adventures. It's like Banksy, only I don't get money for his work.

These lesions can show up in different places like your brain, spinal cord, or even your optic nerves. When doctors take a peek using fancy brain scans (like the MRI above), they spot these funky white spots where Doodle has been wreaking havoc. And oh boy, do these spots mess with your nerve messages! They're like little speed bumps on the information highway of your body.

But fear not, my friend! Doctors have their secret weapons (mine is an infusion called Ocrevus) to deal with Doodle and its shenanigans. They can help manage the symptoms and slow down Doodle's doodling frenzy. 

So, think of Doodle as that quirky, rebellious character in your body's story, reminding you to embrace the unexpected and find humor in the midst of life's wild adventures!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Harnessing Overwhelm: The Surprising Path to Productivity


In our fast-paced world, the feeling of overwhelm is often associated with stress, anxiety, and a loss of control. We strive for productivity and efficiency, seeking ways to streamline our lives and minimize the chaos. However, what if we told you that being overwhelmed can actually be a catalyst for increased productivity? It may sound counterintuitive, but when channeled and managed effectively, overwhelm can unlock hidden potential and propel us towards remarkable achievements. In this article, we will explore how embracing overwhelm can be a positive force in boosting productivity.

Igniting Motivation:

Overwhelm can act as a powerful motivator. When we find ourselves facing a mountain of tasks or a complex project, the sheer magnitude of the challenge can trigger a surge of adrenaline and a heightened sense of urgency. This heightened state can provide the kickstart needed to dive into action and tackle the workload head-on. The key is to harness this initial burst of motivation and channel it into focused, deliberate action.

Sharpening Focus:

When faced with an overwhelming amount of work, our brain naturally seeks to prioritize and focus on the most critical tasks. Overwhelm forces us to evaluate our workload and identify what truly matters. It compels us to eliminate distractions, streamline processes, and allocate our time and energy efficiently. By honing our focus on essential tasks, we become more productive and accomplish more in less time.

Cultivating Resilience:

Navigating overwhelm builds resilience and fortitude. It pushes us to overcome challenges, adapt to new situations, and develop creative problem-solving skills. Over time, we become more adept at managing stress and uncertainty, allowing us to handle future overwhelming situations with greater ease. This resilience not only enhances our productivity but also equips us with invaluable life skills.

Encouraging Growth and Learning:

Overwhelm often arises when we encounter tasks or projects that are outside our comfort zone. Embracing this discomfort can lead to personal and professional growth. When faced with new and challenging situations, we are compelled to learn, expand our skills, and seek innovative solutions. Overwhelm acts as a catalyst for growth, propelling us beyond our perceived limits and opening doors to new opportunities.

Promoting Effective Time Management:

Overwhelm forces us to confront the limitations of time and prioritize tasks accordingly. It compels us to adopt effective time management strategies such as setting clear goals, creating schedules, and delegating responsibilities. By learning to manage our time efficiently, we can maximize productivity and accomplish more in less time. Over time, this skill becomes an invaluable asset in both personal and professional endeavors.

Stimulating Creativity:

Overwhelm often triggers our innate problem-solving abilities and stimulates creativity. When faced with a complex or overwhelming task, our minds naturally seek novel approaches and innovative solutions. The pressure of overwhelm can push us beyond conventional thinking and encourage us to explore new ideas, perspectives, and methodologies. This creative surge can lead to breakthroughs, unique insights, and ultimately, increased productivity.

While overwhelm is commonly viewed as a negative experience, reframing it as a catalyst for productivity can transform our approach to work and life. By harnessing the energy and motivation it brings, we can sharpen our focus, cultivate resilience, and stimulate creativity. Overwhelm becomes a transformative force, propelling us towards greater achievements and personal growth. Embrace the challenge, seize the opportunity, and unlock your hidden potential through the power of overwhelm.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Multiple Sclerosis & Me

This is a personal narrative of my life, highlighting the constant struggle I face with a disease that I often try to forget exists: Multiple Sclerosis. Its insidious presence first manifested itself in my 20s, becoming an unwelcome companion in my journey.

I vividly recall my initial encounter with the medical world. The doctor's dismissive words echoed in my ears like the sound of an ice pick tapping against a wall, uncertain whether it would pierce an electrical cord or not. "Nothing to be concerned about," he casually remarked. Little did I know that the shockwaves of this ailment would soon reverberate through my entire being.

It was the year 2017 when I found myself leading an active lifestyle, regularly hitting the gym, visiting the YMCA, and immersing myself in invigorating hikes. However, fate had a different plan in store for me. One fateful day, as I toiled away at work, an overwhelming sensation began to wash over me. It was an indescribable feeling, one that compelled me to hastily pack up my belongings. My laptop found its place within the confines of my bag, and I stood up, intending to exit the restaurant where I had sought refuge for my studies.

But then, my world turned upside down.

I stumbled and collapsed to the ground, my right side rendered motionless and unresponsive. Paralyzed and bewildered, I desperately sought assistance, relying on the kindness of others to transport me to the emergency room. The doctor peered into the depths of my condition, acknowledging that something was amiss within my brain. I attempted to draw a parallel between my torment and the ice pick analogy, but the physician's discerning gaze shattered my feeble comparison. With a simple command to move my right arm, the truth became apparent—it was as if the electrical current had been severed on my right side.

The medical professionals debated between a stroke and Multiple Sclerosis, ultimately settling on the latter as the final diagnosis. An influx of steroids flooded my system, serving as a temporary respite, while physical therapy became my gateway to relearning the art of walking.

Many years have passed since that pivotal moment in my life, but the impact of that experience remains etched in my memory.

The initial medication prescribed to me was Tecfidera, but unfortunately, it proved ineffective in my case. Not only was it not potent enough to combat the relentless nature of my condition, but it also subjected me to severe gastric upset, exacerbating the already challenging situation.

Subsequently, a stronger medication was prescribed, which initially showed promise. However, a year ago, it faltered, leading to a distressing relapse. This setback forced me into a situation where a brain biopsy became necessary. It was during this procedure that medical professionals determined I had a "different flavor of MS," a term that would later become synonymous with a severe form of the disease. Though the exact implications of this designation eluded me at the time.

As part of my treatment regimen, I undergo Ocrevus infusions every six months. However, my most recent infusion, which took place on October 11th, 2024, revealed disheartening news. The MRI displayed a new dent in my brain, a visible testament to the relentless progression of the disease. The consequences were tangible and overwhelming, manifesting as unrelenting fatigue, as if sleep had become an elusive luxury.

The looming Thursday appointment with my neurologist now carries immense weight. The path ahead, after the brain biopsy, was made alarmingly clear: "Should further progression occur, aggressive measures such as full chemotherapy and a subsequent bone marrow transplant will be necessary." 

The gravity of those words cannot be understated.

They meticulously extracted eight fragments of my brain in their quest to determine the specific strain of MS I had been grappling with—a variant that was supposedly different, yet hopefully manageable. However, the illusion of stability shattered, leaving me in a state of profound unease. Terrified would be an understatement to describe the turmoil within me.

In the depths of my being, fear takes hold, intertwining with a palpable sense of frustration. This unwelcome intrusion couldn't have chosen a more inconvenient time to rear its head. Yet despite the overwhelming circumstances, I refuse to yield. Why surrender now? Why allow my own body, which should be a source of strength, to betray me in this critical moment?

I could easily point fingers and lay blame on countless factors, sarcastically challenging the universe to throw more barriers in my path. "Go ahead," I dare taunt, facing the flames head-on, fully prepared to bear the scorching heat and emerge triumphantly singed—a testament to my indomitable spirit. I have become seasoned in this struggle, and if you dare to consume me, savor the taste of my resilience.

Yet, fate has a cruel sense of timing. This tumultuous chapter unfolds amidst an arduous academic journey, laden with a demanding course load, looming deadlines for major papers, and a crucial presentation on disabilities and accommodations. Throughout it all, I find myself grappling with the relentless symptoms of MS, as if caught in an ever-spinning vortex, teetering on the precipice of unconsciousness.

In moments like these, I can't help but question the cosmic forces at play. What did I do to deserve this tumultuous path?

Thursday looms ahead, the day when I am scheduled to visit my esteemed neurologist. A team of doctors I hold in high regard, who possess the knowledge and expertise to navigate the intricacies of my condition. I eagerly await their insights, and I promise to keep you informed of their verdict this week. In the interim, I humbly request your prayers, for the weight of this situation bears heavily upon me.

My aspirations are clear—I yearn to don the cap and gown, to walk the stage and graduate triumphantly. Success is my fervent desire, and I refuse to let my body falter at this crucial juncture. The stakes are high, and my determination knows no bounds.

Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for your support and encouragement.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

2089 our of 3000: What Is A Phrase That I Commonly Overuse - The Power of Saying "No": A Guide to Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care

2089 our of 3000: What is a phrase that I commonly overuse?


In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it's easy to find ourselves overwhelmed with commitments, obligations, and requests from others. We often feel pressured to say "yes" to everything, fearing that saying "no" will disappoint or offend others. However, learning to say "no" is an essential skill that can empower us to establish healthy boundaries, prioritize our well-being, and create a more balanced and fulfilling life. In this blog post, we'll explore the power of saying "no" and provide practical tips to help you incorporate it into your daily life.

Recognize the Importance of Saying "No":

Understanding the significance of saying "no" is the first step towards implementing it effectively. Recognize that your time, energy, and resources are limited, and it's crucial to allocate them wisely. Saying "no" allows you to protect your well-being, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and focus on activities that align with your values and goals.

Reflect on Your Priorities:

Before committing to any request, take a moment to reflect on your priorities. Assess whether the opportunity aligns with your long-term goals, values, and personal growth. By clarifying your priorities, you can make informed decisions and avoid getting caught up in tasks that don't contribute to your overall well-being.

Practice Self-Awareness:

Cultivating self-awareness is key to understanding your limits and recognizing when saying "no" is necessary. Pay attention to your feelings and physical sensations when a request is made. If you experience a sense of overwhelm, stress, or if the request conflicts with your values or personal boundaries, it's a clear indication that saying "no" might be the right choice.

Be Assertive and Respectful:

Learning to say "no" assertively and respectfully is crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. Express your decision clearly, without excessive apologies or unnecessary justifications. Remember, you have the right to decline requests, and honest communication is essential for fostering mutual understanding.

Offer Alternative Solutions:

If you genuinely want to help but are unable to commit fully, consider offering alternative solutions. Suggest other resources, recommend someone else who might be able to assist, or propose a compromise that works better for both parties. This approach shows your willingness to be helpful while still respecting your boundaries.

Practice Saying "No" Mindfully:

Saying "no" might feel uncomfortable initially, but like any skill, it improves with practice. Start by saying "no" to smaller requests or situations where the stakes are lower. Gradually work your way up to more significant commitments. Remember, it's okay to take your time before responding to a request, as it allows you to evaluate whether it aligns with your needs and priorities.

Embrace Guilt-Free Saying "No":

Feeling guilty after saying "no" is normal, especially if you are accustomed to saying "yes" most of the time. However, it's essential to recognize that your well-being matters, and setting boundaries is not selfish. Remind yourself that by saying "no" when necessary, you are taking care of yourself, which allows you to show up more fully and authentically in other areas of your life.

Seek Support:

If you find it challenging to incorporate "no" into your vocabulary, seek support from friends, family, or a mentor. Share your struggles and seek their guidance and encouragement. Surrounding yourself with individuals who respect your boundaries and understand the importance of self-care can make the journey of saying "no" more manageable.

Learning to say "no" is a powerful skill that enables you to prioritize your well-being, set boundaries, and live a more balanced life. By recognizing the significance of saying "no," reflecting on your priorities, and practicing self-awareness and assertiveness, you can gradually incorporate this transformative word into your daily life. Remember, saying "no" is not a rejection but a conscious choice to honor your needs, values, and overall happiness. Embrace the power of saying "no" and watch as it opens doors to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.

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