Thursday, August 15, 2024

Louisville Pride Festival


I will be at Louisville Pride on Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 1:57 PM - 6:30 PM at the Music City Prep Clinic booth.

Louisville's location for their Music City Prep office is at the PRIDE bar + lounge, the staff is friendly and the benefits can keep you safe and protected with FREE prep, FREE STI screenings every three months, and more!

The Louisville Pride Festival is set for Sept. 14 on Bardstown Road between Longest Avenue and Grinstead Drive. The event is separate from Kentuckiana Pride which took place last month at Waterfront Park.

Come see me, I will be there and would love to see you! :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Broken Three Times: A Story of Child Abuse in America by Joan Kaufman


The novel "Broken Three Times" provides a nuanced glimpse into the lived experiences of Maria and her children, Sylar and Samaya. Through their interwoven stories of resilience and struggle, we gain insight into the multi-layered issues impacting vulnerable families navigating the child welfare system. This paper aims to comprehensively examine key aspects of their circumstances by reflecting on existing literature and applying social work lenses of cultural competence, human development, and trauma-informed care. The goal is to develop a deeper understanding of the systemic challenges they face while highlighting opportunities for strengthening practice approaches.

Family Strengths and Everyday Adversities

On the surface, Maria, Sylar, and Samaya's family unit exhibited affection demonstrating their bond as a source of support. However, peer-reviewed research indicates a mother's own history of childhood trauma, like Maria's sexual abuse, negatively influences her capacity to form secure attachments and model healthy relationships (Goodman et al., 2017, Child maltreatment and memory section). Beneath the surface, Maria’s substance abuse contributes to domestic abuse through boyfriends, and eventually sexual abuse of the children. Maria's dysfunctional coping mechanisms disrupted stability, endangering her parenting capacity. The Department of Children and Family’s (DCF) placement decisions aimed to minimize risks, though limited options sometimes conflicted with fully addressing the children's contextualized needs. This reflects the reality that differential response approaches require abundant appropriate housing resources which are often scarce (Loman & Siegel, 2012).

Systemic Barriers and Resiliencies

Unfortunately, the child welfare system itself compounded these family's adversities through avoidable failures. DCF missed opportunities to immediately remedy Maria's underlying trauma and substance abuse issues. Research indicates that trauma-informed and culturally attuned assessment improves the identification and management of client needs (Beyer et al., 2017). More robust family evaluations paired with ongoing supportive case management may have reduced placement disruptions detrimental to the children's well-being. Their strong bond with Maria also demonstrated important resiliencies, yet systemic constraints limited capitalizing on these protective factors.

Cultural Influences on Health Behaviors

Entrenched cultural patterns profoundly influenced maladaptive coping strategies like Maria's substance abuse. Her trauma history and lack of culturally informed treatment cultivated dysfunctional behaviors. Sociological theory posits behaviors developing within communities through social learning of norms - for Maria's culture, rigid familial roles normalized imbalances that tacitly endorsed abuse perpetuation (Bandura, 1977). Long-term inpatient treatment integrated with culturally matched counseling could have durably addressed the trauma driving her addictions. However, resource constraints often impede patient-centered, strengths-based interventions accommodating culture (Oquendo & Hastings, 2019).

Types of Maltreatment and Placement Risks

Regrettably, out-of-home placements intended as safe alternatives introduced further risks contradicting goals of safety, well-being, and permanence for children. As discussed in my submissions analyzing risks, research, and practice shows child trauma manifestations depend largely on protective/risk factors like placement stability (Goldbeck et al., 2016). For Sylar and Samaya, moves disrupted developing trust compromising their ability to process traumatic experiences. Without specialized foster parent preparation and ongoing support, caregivers lack training managing trauma's impacts increasing maltreatment risk (Choi & Ryan, 2007). Comprehensive, timely assessment guided by ecological and developmental frameworks generates more effective placements equipped to meet diverse needs.

Three indicators for each type of maltreatment experienced by Samaya and Sylar, we should start with Physical Abuse. Unexplained bruises or injuries: Samaya and Sylar exhibit visible bruises, cuts, or other injuries that cannot be adequately explained or are inconsistent with their age or developmental stage. Frequent visits to the hospital or doctor: Samaya and Sylar consistently require medical attention for injuries, it could be a sign of physical abuse. This could include frequent visits for broken bones, burns, or other trauma-related injuries.

Most impactful is substance abuse, and inappropriate sexual knowledge or behaviors: Samaya and Sylar may exhibit knowledge or engage in sexual behaviors that are not appropriate for their age or developmental stage. Fear or avoidance of specific individuals: If Samaya and Sylar display fear or avoidance towards certain individuals, especially adults, it could be an indicator of sexual abuse. Physical symptoms or discomfort: Samaya and Sylar might experience physical symptoms such as pain, itching, or discomfort in their genital area, which could be a result of sexual abuse.

Finally, the children experienced a large form of neglect. Poor hygiene or unkempt appearance: Samaya and Sylar may have consistently dirty or unkempt appearances, with unwashed clothes, matted hair, or signs of poor personal hygiene. Frequent absences from school or lack of supervision: If Samaya and Sylar regularly miss school or are frequently left unsupervised, it could indicate neglect from their caregivers. Malnutrition or significant weight loss: Samaya and Sylar may exhibit signs of malnutrition, such as being underweight or showing signs of significant weight loss, which could be indicative of neglectful feeding or lack of access to nutritious meals.

The absence or inconsistent presence of Maria, as evidenced by Maria’s unpredictable comings and goings, is a dynamic that can contribute to maltreatment and mental health issues. When parents are not consistently available or engaged in their children's lives, it can result in neglect, lack of supervision, and emotional neglect, which can have adverse effects on the well-being of the children.

Developmental Impacts and Life-Course Consequences

The maltreatment Maria and her children endured had profound, long-reaching effects warranting nuanced consideration. Trauma literature establishes disrupted attachments and instability severely impede cognitive, emotional, and identity development shaping life course trajectories (Putnam, 2006). Witnessing domestic violence and experiencing serial abuse lowered their sense of safety fundamentally impacting perceptions of relationships and decision-making. Their adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) heightened vulnerability to future revictimization and negative health/social outcomes demonstrating intergenerational impacts (Felitti et al., 1998). As dependent children reliant on protective systems inflicting harm, their resilience prevailed despite a lack of a nurturing environment for thriving.

How The Children Were Impacted

Maltreatment, such as witnessing domestic violence or experiencing emotional abuse, can have long-lasting psychological and emotional consequences for children. Samaya and Sylar may have developed feelings of fear, anxiety, and low self-esteem as a result of the traumatic experiences they endured. These negative emotions can manifest in their relationships, decision-making, and overall well-being. They may struggle with trust issues and have difficulty forming healthy attachments, which can impact their future relationships and life choices.

The impact of maltreatment on academic and cognitive development cannot be overlooked. Children who experience maltreatment often face disruptions in their education, either due to frequent changes in living arrangements or emotional distress. This can result in poor academic performance and limited opportunities for future success. Samaya and Sylar may have struggled academically, hindering their ability to pursue higher education or secure stable employment. The lack of educational support and resources may have influenced their life choices, limiting their options and perpetuating a cycle of disadvantage.

Maltreatment can lead to behavioral challenges in children, including aggression, withdrawal, or difficulty regulating emotions. Samaya and Sylar may exhibit these behaviors as a coping mechanism or a result of the trauma they experienced. These challenges can impact their relationships with others, making it difficult for them to form healthy connections and maintain stable social networks. In turn, these difficulties can affect their ability to seek support, engage in positive social activities, and make positive life choices.

Two cultural practices that could potentially influence such behaviors are the normalization of violence and the patriarchal family structure. In some families, there may be a normalization of violence or aggression as a means of resolving conflicts or exerting power. This normalization can create an environment where abusive behaviors, both physical and emotional, are more likely to occur. In the case of Maria's father, his use of violence and abusive behavior towards his family members, including Maria, could be a result of cultural beliefs that condone or even encourage such actions. Growing up in an environment where violence is normalized can perpetuate a cycle of abuse, making it more difficult for individuals to recognize and break the pattern.

Another cultural practice that might have influenced unsafe parenting practices is the patriarchal family structure, where Maria is considered the head of the household and has ultimate authority,  yet is always absent or unreliable. Power dynamics are often deeply ingrained, with a father figure being seen as dominant and women and children expected to be submissive. The absence of a Father figure, and an unreliable Mother figure, has created this power imbalance that leads to abusive situations.  

Culturally-Centered Practice Recommendations

To comprehensively remedy this family's multidimensional challenges, sensitive, culturally-informed practice anchored in social work ethics remains imperative. Current research reinforces that culturally attuned interventions prove most effective by building on client strengths, values and communities (Barker, 2007). While respecting cultural traditions important to clients, practitioners must challenge customs harming well-being (NASW, 2021). Comprehensive services spanning medical/behavioral health integrated with substance abuse treatment, parenting/life skills education, and domestic violence advocacy aim to empower Maria in stabilizing dysfunctional patterns fueling intergenerational abuse. Equally important interventions geared towards children's restoration include therapeutic and educational enrichment strategies supporting healthy development following trauma exposure. Further bolstering systemic capacity through proper training, workforce development, and adequate resource allocation assists clients most vulnerable to falling through the cracks.

The Best, The Worst, And Real Talk

Multigenerational family structure and support started with Maria’s life as a lie, Tina was her Mom, not her Aunt. Her Father was actually her Grandfather, and her Mother was actually her Grandmother. Tina, the Aunt/Mom was unable to provide a stable family structure, and there was also sexual abuse, substance abuse, and domestic violence.

The dysfunctional family network lead to resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity, the family's ability to cope with Grandfather/Father's abusive behavior and alcohol use suggests a level of resilience that may be rooted in cultural coping mechanisms. The way Tina shields Maria from the conflict and provides a safe space in her room shows the family's ability to adapt and protect the more vulnerable members during challenging situations. This resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity is often cultivated in cultures that have experienced historical hardships, such as marginalization, poverty, or political instability and have developed strategies for survival and mutual support. These resilient traits were behaviors that Maria learned and passed along through similar survival traits that were learned by Sylar and Samya.

Maria’s children would witness and experience domestic violence, substance abuse, and sexual abuse. Where I think there was failure, across the chapters, was that these issues fell between the cracks of Maria’s life narrative, and so because of this, her children suffered a tremendous amount of neglect and also needed therapy.

Maria's father is neglectful, as evidenced by his lack of concern for Maria's bedtime and school the next day when she is allowed to stay up late playing with her new toy. Her mother also seems to be neglectful in not intervening when her husband becomes abusive. Maria and Tina directly witness verbal altercations and potential physical abuse between their parents, which can be extremely traumatic for children.

Child Maltreatment And Family Violence

Maria's father is described as becoming aggressive and violent when he comes home intoxicated, with the text stating "Whenever he smells like this, things get nasty” (Kaufman, 2016, Chapter 1). This suggests he may have physically abused Maria and her family members.

The text depicts an unstable home environment, with Maria and her sister Tina having to hide in Tina's room to avoid shouting matches between their parents. This ongoing exposure to conflict and tension is a form of emotional abuse.

Maria, in her adult life, was abused and had a recurring substance abuse issue. She also surrounded herself with questionable people, which led to her children being sexually abused, which then caused her children to self-medicate and practice questionable sexual activities with other children.


This family's tribulations shed light on the multifactorial issues compromising the well-being of at-risk populations navigating complex systems. Their illustrative case study reinforces social work values of cultural humility, advocacy, and empowerment-based partnership. By expanding comprehension of cultural dynamics, maltreatment consequences, and developmental impacts, practitioners obtain tools for responsive, trauma-informed approaches upholding safety, permanency, and healing. Continued research informing policy through an anti-oppressive lens remains crucial to remedy inequities limiting disadvantaged communities' optimal functioning and intergenerational wellness.

The conclusions that can be drawn from their story are the impact of trauma: Samaya and Sylar have both experienced traumatic events, such as witnessing domestic violence and enduring emotional and physical abuse. These experiences have undoubtedly affected their well-being and development, leading to emotional and psychological distress. Also, the normalization of violence and the patriarchal family structure, have influenced the unsafe parenting practices within their family. These cultural factors need to be acknowledged and addressed in order to provide effective support and intervention.

To practice culturally competent social work with this family, it is essential to approach their situation with sensitivity, respect, and an understanding of their cultural background. The following steps can be taken if I was their social worker. Establish a trusting relationship with Samaya and Sylar by creating a safe and non-judgmental space for them to share their experiences and concerns. This can be achieved through active listening, empathy, and validation of their feelings and experiences. Involve the family in the decision-making process and respect their perspectives and preferences. Collaboratively develop a plan of action that integrates their cultural beliefs and values, while ensuring the safety and well-being of Samaya and Sylar. Seek to understand the cultural practices and norms that have influenced their family dynamics. Tailor interventions and support services to align with their cultural background, while also addressing any harmful or unsafe practices. Recognize the impact of trauma on Samaya and Sylar's lives and provide trauma-informed interventions. This includes creating a sense of safety, empowering them to regain control, promoting resilience, and connecting them to appropriate resources for healing and recovery.

This book broke my heart but made me want to do my part to help children like Maria, Sylar, and Samya. I want to do all that I can, and not fail them. Upon analyzing Samaya and Sylar's story, it is clear that they have experienced significant challenges and adversity within their family dynamics.


Felitti, V. J., Anda, R. F., Nordenburg, D., Williamson, D. F., Spitz, A. M., Edwards, V., Koss, M. P., & Marks, J. S. (1998). Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction To Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study. Am J Prev Med., 14(4), 245–58. Retrieved March 4, 2024, from

Goodman, G. S., Quas, J. A., & Ogle, C. M. (2017). Child Maltreatment and Memory. Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology, 2(2), Article Child Maltreatment and Memory. Retrieved April 8, 2024, from

Kaufman, J. (2016). Broken Three Times: A Story of Child Abuse In America. Oxford University Press.

Loman, L. A., & Siegel, G. L. (2012). Alternative Response in Minnesota: Findings of the Program Evaluation. Protecting Children, 27(1), 35–53. Retrieved February 5, 2024, from

NASW (National Association of Social Workers). (2021). Code of Ethics [Ebook/PDF/Paperback]. Retrieved March 23, 2024, from

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Facing My Senior Year with Optimism and Anxiety


As I prepare to begin my final year of college, I find myself experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, I'm filled with a sense of excitement and optimism about the future. This is the year I've been working towards, the culmination of my undergraduate studies, and the gateway to the next chapter of my life. I'm eager to tackle the challenges that lie ahead and maximize my potential in the classroom and during my practicum.

However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also feeling a fair amount of anxiety. Senior year represents a significant transition, and with that comes a certain degree of uncertainty. Will I be able to successfully balance my coursework, my practicum responsibilities, and any extracurricular activities? Am I truly prepared to put into practice everything I've learned? What if I fall short of my own high expectations?

These doubts creep in from time to time, but I'm doing my best to maintain a positive outlook. I know that I've worked hard to get to this point, and I'm determined to make the most of this final year. My practicum, in particular, has me both excited and apprehensive. It's an opportunity to apply my knowledge in a real-world setting, but I'm nervous about meeting the expectations of my supervisors and making a meaningful contribution.

Despite these anxieties, I'm choosing to focus on the optimism. I'm grateful for the chance to push myself and grow as a student and a future professional. I'm looking forward to the intellectually stimulating discussions in my classes, the chance to collaborate with my peers, and the opportunity to make a difference through my practicum work.

Most importantly, I'm committed to doing my absolute best. I may not have all the answers, but I'm going to approach each challenge with determination, resilience, and a willingness to learn. This is my chance to shine, and I'm determined not to let it slip away.

As I embark on my senior year, I know that the road ahead may not be easy, but I'm ready to embrace the journey. With a blend of optimism and a healthy dose of managed anxiety, I'm confident that I can make this my most successful and fulfilling year yet.

Jake Wheat

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Grandma.

Yesterday I was part of a group text, that group text reminded me of the reason behind my social work journey.

Instead of "taking a shot" at anyone publically, I will comment that my Senior year at Spalding University School of Social Work is about to start, and I am happy to report that I have a 4.0 currently and will start my practicum in child welfare.

There are kids who, like myself, went through abuse and neglect and now my mission is to help them.

Generational trauma, regardless of who contributes, can manifest in many areas. I no longer care contribute to the dysfunction and venom, it's pointless. Sometimes saying no, refusing to contribute to the toxicity, and removing yourself from the contagon is the best way to pave a path forward for yourself and others around you.

Children do not have to wade in your mistakes to absord the waters of  your negativity.

I will fall on the ears of people who are willing to contribute to my success, and choose to celebrate the peace that that brings. To that, my dear friends, I "toast" to you - a fond "I love you."

Thank you for being a sane part of my life.

Happy heavenly birthday Grandma. I know you have been with me on this  journey also, I can feel your spirit, the alcohol free kind. 😉

Friday, July 19, 2024

We learn by example.

My only opinionated post about this issue, and then my life moves forward. Keep your comments to yourself. I will block abrasive people.

I have given a lot of thought about Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20 year old who attempted to shoot tRump. This is what CNN should be talking about, not the toxic RNC.

Us folks who have been around a while have seen Presidents come and go, but this KID was 12 years old when tRump was elected President. He has not been privy to healthy confict resolution, and has witness America "on fire," with school shooting, COVID, and even how voters react with January 6th and the insurrection.

WE ARE NOT BEING ROLE MODELS. WE ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE.  We can do the US vs THEM until we are blue in the face, argue with each other and spit venom at friends and family (like THEY do), but it's ultimately US that needs to set an example since our "leaders" have choose violence among each other.

I am not at all a person who supports tRump for many many reasons, ultimately he is furthest from being a decent human being, has been convicted of rape, cannot admit any fault, blames everyone else, has felony charges which was proven in a court of law, and nothing can offset that evicence and conclusion - no matter how "I was set up, and I am not guilty" he claims to be.

We all know how this works, this is the narrative our CHILDREN are hearing, and one of them reacted in the way he was shown.


We need to remember our morals and values, and teach our children to LOVE EACH OTHER and RESPECT EACH OTHER - and stop the vicious cycle of partisan venom that THEY cannot seem to contain.

Project 2025 will hurt me. I don't care what you think about it, it will HURT me and people like me. It was created by evil people and is now adopted by tRump and his new wife abusing VP.

We need to set better examples for generations of children who are watching, because they learn by example.

We learn by example.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024



It is time - if you are old enough to VOTE, and need to get registered to VOTE - please go to:

I want you to realize that LGBTQIA+ people are threatened, now more than ever, and pay attention to Project 2025, and what that could mean for YOU as an American.

Read Project 2025 and search for LGBT and read what they plan for us:

If you want an inclusive America where freedoms are for all people, then VOTE - and do not skip this election, your future may depend on it.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Mushroom Coffee? Tons of ads, is this self care or fake?

I started seeing ads (every other ad) about stuck poop, and how I needed to take a pill, or drink some mushroom coffee, or chocolate drink to clean out at least 25lbs of feces from inside me.

I naturally grew concerned and curious. I went on Amazon and broke down and bought a bag of this Ryze Mushroom Coffee, and I am on day #2.

First things first, you need creamer. I use no sugar vanilla, otherwise it tastes like "earth." As for the stuck poop part, I will have to let you know cause I am only on day #2.

Is it hype? Mushroom coffee - claims to be a ame-changing beverage that not only provides a gentle caffeine boost but also offers a wealth of adaptogens to support your overall wellbeing. Discover how this unique blend can help you unlock your full potential and elevate both your mind and body.

At the heart of mushroom coffee are a carefully curated selection of adaptogenic mushrooms, each with its own unique health benefits. Cordyceps, for instance, is revered for its ability to enhance stamina and physical performance, while Lion's Mane is known to support cognitive function and focus. Reishi, the "mushroom of immortality," is celebrated for its stress-relieving properties, and Shiitake is recognized for its immune-boosting powers.

Traditional coffee can often leave us feeling jittery and crashing soon after, but mushroom coffee is designed to provide a more balanced and sustained energy boost. With less than half the caffeine of regular coffee, it delivers a calmer, more focused energy that won't leave you feeling anxious or depleted. The addition of MCT oil and coconut milk further supports this gentle yet effective energy delivery, while also providing nutritional benefits for your body and brain.

But what about my stuck poop? Gut health is the foundation of overall wellbeing, and mushroom coffee is formulated to support a thriving gut microbiome. Turkey Tail, for instance, is a powerful adaptogen that acts as an antimicrobial, helping to maintain a healthy digestive system. King Trumpet, on the other hand, is rich in antioxidants and amino acids, making it a potent ally in the fight against oxidative stress and boosting your immune system.

Beyond the impressive health benefits, mushroom coffee is also a delightful and versatile ritual to incorporate into your daily routine. With its smooth, creamy, and subtly sweet flavor profile, it's a delicious alternative to traditional coffee that can be enjoyed on its own or used as a base for a variety of creative recipes, from lattes and smoothies to baked goods and desserts.

By harnessing the power of adaptogens, this unique blend offers a balanced and sustainable energy boost, enhanced cognitive function, and robust immune support - all while delivering a delightful and nourishing drinking experience. Embrace the RYZE ritual and unlock your full potential.

At the heart of RYZE Mushroom Coffee lies a potent blend of adaptogenic mushrooms, each one offering unique benefits for gut health and overall wellbeing. By infusing this superfood elixir into their premium coffee, RYZE has created a truly restorative daily ritual.

One of the key gut-supporting mushrooms in the blend is Reishi, often referred to as the "mushroom of immortality." Reishi is a powerful adaptogen with antimicrobial properties that help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. By limiting the growth of harmful bacteria while nurturing beneficial microbes, Reishi can soothe digestive issues and support optimal nutrient absorption.

Another standout ingredient is Turkey Tail mushroom, which is rich in prebiotics that act as food for the good bacteria in your gut. This helps strengthen the gut lining and promotes regularity, relieving uncomfortable bloating and constipation. Turkey Tail is also brimming with antioxidants that combat oxidative stress and inflammation - two major contributors to gut dysfunction.

The addition of Lion's Mane mushroom further enhances the gut-healing prowess of RYZE coffee. This cognitive-boosting adaptogen is renowned for its ability to reduce intestinal inflammation and soothe conditions like IBS and leaky gut. Its neuroprotective compounds also support the enteric nervous system, improving communication between the gut and brain for holistic wellbeing.

By sipping on this adaptogenic elixir, you're not just enjoying a delicious and energizing beverage - you're also investing in the long-term health of your gut. The synergistic blend of mushrooms in RYZE coffee works to balance your microbiome, calm digestive distress, and fortify your body's first line of defense. Drink to your gut's – and your overall – happiness.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

LGBTQIA+ & Misinformation Or Information To Mislead?

Just watched this video, and read the comments, he is a wolf in sheeps clothing to me. Proclaiming to be free from bias and being objective, yet, unable to have the education to view this from a macro-level lens.

I DO NOT CONDONE THIS VIDEO, but I wanted to make my answer loud and clear for those who may not see the birds-eye issue here. He is outwardly anti-LGB (and removes the T, Q, I, A , +) as to erase those memebers of the community, and honestly has more focus on anti-LGBTQIA+ issues than I consider healthy.  

YouTube has even issue demonitizatin restrictions on his account, because no one should be rewarded for spreading hateful retoric. AND if you deep dive his name, you will find he is a person who has a lot of time to invest in being somewhat of a misinformation machine, churning out content on TikTok and other platforms with similar malicious intent. He preys on exploting LGBTQIA+ youth in TikTok stitches and garnishes a humble amount of likes for his hate speech.  If you want me to be brutally honest, he is the love child of Marjarine Trailer Queen and tRump, because he is equally as ignorant and vile.

It is clear he can't see out his "Overton" window, if he has windows in his bunker at all:

I do not condone this video, nor this creator. I want to make that clear.

My response:

On a broader, systemic level, we are witnessing the introduction of various legislative bills, even though some may ultimately fail to progress through the full legislative process. The mere act of introducing a bill, regardless of its final outcome, can still hold inherent significance.

The very construct and definition of what constitutes a "bill" is inherently tied to the specific language, provisions, and impacts outlined within the bill itself. The contents and framing of a proposed bill can shape the overall dialogue and understanding surrounding the issue, irrespective of whether the bill is eventually enacted into law.

Even bills that do not succeed in becoming codified statutes can still leave an imprint on the political and policy landscape. Their introduction and debate can influence future legislative efforts, shift public discourse, and set the stage for potential revisions or new approaches down the line.

The dynamics of the legislative process are complex, with introduced bills serving as catalysts that can have ripple effects beyond their immediate legislative outcomes.

An "anti-LGBTQ" bill generally refers to legislation that aims to restrict, undermine or roll back the rights, protections or societal acceptance of LGBTQ individuals and communities. Some key characteristics of anti-LGBTQ bills include:

Bills that seek to limit or prohibit same-sex marriage, civil unions, or domestic partnerships.

Legislation that allows for discrimination against LGBTQ people in areas like employment, housing, public accommodations, or access to services, often under the guise of "religious freedom" or "parental rights."

Bills that target transgender individuals, such as restricting access to gender-affirming healthcare, banning transgender athletes from participating in sports consistent with their gender identity, or requiring the use of birth-assigned pronouns.

Measures that limit LGBTQ visibility, discussion or education in schools, such as "don't say gay" laws.

Proposals that roll back anti-discrimination protections or allow businesses/service providers to refuse service to LGBTQ customers.

Bills that grant special legal/religious exemptions to individuals or organizations who object to homosexuality or transgender identity on moral or religious grounds.

Anti-LGBTQ bills typically justify their proposed restrictions on LGBTQ rights and protections through a few common arguments and rationales:

Religious freedom/conscience protections:

These bills often claim to protect the religious liberty and moral/conscience objections of individuals, businesses, and organizations who oppose homosexuality or transgender identity on religious grounds. The argument is that they should not be compelled to provide services or accommodate LGBTQ people if it violates their sincerely held religious beliefs.

Parental rights and authority:

Some bills frame LGBTQ-inclusive education or healthcare for minors as an infringement on parental rights and the ability of parents to make decisions for their children. The justification is that parents should have the ultimate authority over these sensitive issues.

Protecting children/traditional values:

Proponents argue that restricting LGBTQ visibility and access to things like gender-affirming care is necessary to "protect" children from inappropriate or "confusing" content that goes against traditional, heteronormative values. The claim is that this is in the best interest of minors.

Fairness in sports:

Bans on transgender athletes participating in sports consistent with their gender identity are often justified as necessary to maintain fairness and a level playing field in women's/girl's sports.

Public safety/privacy concerns:

Some bills restrict LGBTQ access to certain public spaces, such as bathrooms, by claiming it's necessary for public safety and to protect the privacy of cisgender individuals.

I understand the point about the broader impact of introducing anti-LGBTQ+ bills, even if they may not ultimately be enacted into law. Your observation is astute - the mere introduction of such legislation can shift the Overton window, or the range of politically acceptable ideas, in a more regressive direction when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights and protections.

As I outlined in my previous responses, the justifications and framing used by proponents of these bills often appeal to concepts like religious freedom, parental authority, and traditional values. While couched in such terms, the intent and effect of these bills is to erode hard-won LGBTQ+ civil rights and societal acceptance.

Even if individual bills fail to pass, their introduction and the public discourse they generate can normalize more restrictive, discriminatory policies over time. This can shift the baseline of what is viewed as politically feasible or acceptable, making it easier for further anti-LGBTQ+ measures to be proposed and potentially enacted in the future.

Your observation speaks to the insidious nature of this legislative strategy - the introduction of such bills, regardless of their immediate fate, can have an incremental but significant impact on the broader political and social landscape surrounding LGBTQ+ equality. This is an important dynamic to be mindful of when analyzing the real-world consequences of these types of legislative efforts. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Hypothetical Research Proposal: The Impact of Postive Role Models for LGBTQIA+ Youth in the Media and their Personal Environment


Last night I gave my research presentation for my Quantitative Reserach class at Spalding University School of Social Work, which was on "The Impact of Postive Role Models for LGBTQIA+ Youth in the Media and their Personal Environment," and this is a great example of why PRIDE matters.

This is a hypotheitical research model, and was used as a possible project to propose when I get to the masters program.

Be kind to each other, be an ally, and most importantly - consider the importance of PRIDE month!

You can download the PDF of my paper HERE download the PDF of my paper HERE, the password is: socialworker. 

Please note this is a HYPOTHETICAL RESEARCH PROPOSAL and is still in it's infancy, I plan to grow this through my Master's program.

Thank you!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

How To Handle A Homophobic/Transphobic Friend or Family Member

Here are some tips for challenging anti-LGBTQIA+ attitudes in a respectful yet impactful way:

Let THEM know you're an ally!

Approach the situation calmly and avoid escalating tensions. Getting defensive or aggressive is less likely to change hearts and minds.

Seek to understand where the person's views are coming from. Listen with an open mind before responding, as their beliefs may stem from misinformation or personal experiences.

Humanize the issue by sharing personal stories and experiences of LGBTQIA+ people. Put a real face to the abstract concept of "LGBTQIA+ rights."

Appeal to the person's sense of empathy and compassion. Emphasize how hurtful and damaging anti-LGBTQIA+ attitudes can be, especially for vulnerable youth.

Use factual, evidence-based information to counter misinformation or misconceptions. Stick to the facts and avoid getting caught up in heated debates.

Frame your perspective as a difference of opinion, not a personal attack. Use "I" statements to express your viewpoint.

Suggest resources for the person to learn more, such as books, articles, or organizations that provide reliable LGBTQIA+ information.

Pick your battles. Focus on situations where you have a reasonable chance of making a positive impact, rather than arguing with staunch opponents.

Be patient and persistent. Changing deeply-held beliefs takes time. Keep engaging respectfully, even if progress seems slow.

Set boundaries if the person becomes abusive or unwilling to engage constructively. Your safety and wellbeing come first.

The goal is to plant seeds of empathy, understanding, and change, rather than to win an argument. With care and persistence, you can make a meaningful difference.

Example 1:

"I know you may not fully understand or agree with LGBTQIA+ identities, but let me share a little bit about my friend Alex's experience. Alex is a transgender teenager who has faced so much bullying and rejection from their family. Despite that, they have worked so hard to be true to themselves and find community. Seeing the resilience and joy Alex has discovered in embracing their identity has been really inspiring to me. I hope you can try to approach this with an open mind and see the humanity in LGBTQIA+ people's stories."

Example 2:

"My cousin Lila is a lesbian, and coming out was one of the bravest things she's ever done. For years, she struggled in silence, afraid of how our family would react. When she finally worked up the courage to share her identity, it was a huge relief but also very scary. Lila lost some relationships over it, but she also gained an incredible support system in the LGBTQIA+ community. Her path hasn't been easy, but Lila's self-acceptance and pride have been so empowering to witness. I hope you can see how important that journey is for so many LGBTQIA+ people."

Example 3:

"I know you've made some comments before about not understanding the 'LGBTQIA+ agenda.' But I want you to meet my friend Sam, who is non-binary. Growing up, Sam never felt comfortable in the gender binary, and finding the language to describe their identity was life-changing. Just being able to be open about who they are has made such a difference in Sam's life - they're more confident, more joyful, and feel so much more at home in their own skin. LGBTQIA+ identities aren't an 'agenda,' they're profound parts of people's lived experiences."

The key is to share stories that put a human face on LGBTQIA+ identities and experiences. Focus on themes of resilience, self-acceptance, and the importance of being true to oneself. With empathy and patience, you can help challenge misconceptions.

Example 4:

"My cousin Jayden recently came out as bisexual. At first, I'll admit I didn't fully understand, since I had always assumed he was straight. But the more Jayden opened up about his experiences, the more I realized how much he had struggled to accept this part of his identity. He told me about the pain of feeling like he didn't belong in either the straight or gay communities, and how lonely that was. Hearing his story made me realize how complicated and nuanced sexuality can be. Now I'm so proud of Jayden for embracing who he is."

Example 5:

"My friend Maria is a lesbian, and she's shared with me how growing up, she always felt 'different' and out of place. She was terrified to come out to her conservative family, fearing they would reject her. When she finally mustered the courage, it was an incredibly difficult and emotional process. While some family members struggled at first, Maria's perseverance and authenticity eventually won them over. She's now in a loving, committed relationship and is so much happier and freer than I've ever seen her. LGBTQIA+ people simply want the same things we all do - to be accepted and to live as our true selves."

Example 6:

"My coworker Jordan is transgender, and his journey has really opened my eyes. He shared with me how from a young age, he knew his gender identity didn't align with the one assigned to him at birth. The process of transitioning socially and medically has been challenging, but Jordan now radiates a sense of wholeness and peace that I never witnessed before. Knowing Jordan has helped me understand that gender is a spectrum, and that transgender people are simply striving to live as their authentic selves. Their stories are ones of courage and self-love in the face of immense adversity."

The common thread in these examples is centering the personal experiences and humanity of LGBTQIA+ individuals. By sharing narratives of self-discovery, resilience, and the universal desire for acceptance, we can chip away at misconceptions and cultivate empathy.

LGBTQIA+ Pride Month! Celebrate Pride, Uplift Vulnerable Youth!

June marks LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, a time to celebrate the diverse identities and vibrant community of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and other gender and sexual minority individuals. Pride is an important time to recognize the hard-won rights, visibility, and acceptance that LGBTQIA+ people have fought for over decades.

But Pride is about more than just celebration - it's also a critical opportunity to uplift and support LGBTQIA+ youth, particularly those who are the most vulnerable. Many LGBTQIA+ young people face unique challenges, from family rejection and bullying to mental health struggles and increased risk of homelessness. Pride can be a powerful source of affirmation, resilience, and hope for these youth.

When LGBTQIA+ young people see Pride celebrations, LGBTQIA+ role models, and messages of acceptance, it can have a profound impact on their self-esteem and sense of self-worth. Feeling proud of one's identity and seeing that identity celebrated can counteract the damaging effects of stigma, discrimination, and lack of support that so many LGBTQIA+ youth experience.

This Pride Month, I encourage everyone to find ways to uplift LGBTQIA+ youth in your own communities. Attend Pride events, donate to LGBTQIA+ youth organizations, and most importantly, be a visible ally and source of support. Your affirmation can make all the difference in helping LGBTQIA+ young people feel empowered, accepted, and proud.

Here are some suggested ways individuals can support LGBTQIA+ youth in their local communities during Pride Month:

Attend and participate in local Pride events and celebrations. Show up and visibly support the LGBTQIA+ community.

Volunteer with LGBTQIA+ youth organizations. Many nonprofits and community groups provide services, programming, and resources specifically for LGBTQIA+ young people. Offer your time and skills.

Donate to LGBTQIA+ youth charities and funds. These organizations often provide critical services like counseling, housing assistance, and advocacy for vulnerable LGBTQIA+ youth.

Educate yourself and others about LGBTQIA+ identities, experiences, and issues. Challenge misinformation and be a visible ally.

Speak up against anti-LGBTQIA+ bullying, discrimination, and hate in your community. Intervene when you witness these behaviors, especially in schools.

Display Pride flags, stickers, or other visible symbols of LGBTQIA+ support. Let LGBTQIA+ youth know your space is a safe, affirming one.

Reach out to LGBTQIA+ youth you know and check in on their well-being. Offer a listening ear and emotional support.

Support LGBTQIA+-affirming businesses, services, and spaces in your local area. Patronize them and spread the word.

Get involved in local LGBTQIA+ advocacy efforts, such as supporting inclusive policies and legislation.

Be an active, vocal, visible, and consistent ally all year round, not just during Pride Month.

Small acts of allyship and support can make a huge difference in the lives of LGBTQIA+ youth. This Pride, find ways to lift up and empower the next generation.

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