Friday, February 23, 2024

2098 out of 3000 - What Trait Do I Most Deplore About Myself?

Ah, life's little surprises! It's incredible how things can change in the blink of an eye. One moment you're flexing your muscles as a bodybuilder, and the next, you're wondering how on earth you ended up resembling a fluffy marshmallow. And let's not forget about the handwriting transformation from a beautiful calligraphy exhibition to something that even chickens would scoff at. It's like your pen decided to embark on a rebellious journey of its own! That was from me being paralyzed from Multiple Sclerosis and having to rebuild and reset my life, which was not easy and very traumatic.

You learn who yor real freinds are, you learn who is there for you and who is not there for you, and you make necesarry changes. 

You take on a task, thinking it'll be a breeze, only to discover that it's as if the universe decided to crank up the difficulty level to a thousand. Suddenly, fear takes on a whole new meaning. You can stroll through a haunted house, and when a chainsaw-wielding maniac jumps out, your mind is like, "Seriously? Try dealing with a brain-eating disease, buddy!" The chainsaw guy becomes chump change, a mere blip on your radar. MRI scans that whisk you away into a realm of anxiety become scarier than any horror movie villain with a power tool.

Now, let's address the negative Nancy syndrome. We all have that one person in our lives who can turn a molehill into a mountain faster than you can say "drama queen." In your case, it's your lovely mother, who mastered the art of making a fuss out of the tiniest of things, or gaslighting to manipulate her way in to situations she wishes to control the narrartive for.

 Bless her heart!

But hey, it seems like her talent for magnifying minor issues has rubbed off on me a bit. So, instead of thinking positively and embracing the brighter side of life, my mind naturally takes a detour to the land of worst-case scenarios.

But fear not, my friend! Life is all about balance, and it's never too late to recalibrate your mindset. Remember, self-worth is like the glittery unicorn horn of positivity. It's that magical essence that reminds you of your inherent value and helps you navigate the twists and turns with a smile on your face. So, while you're out and about, preparing for your travels like a seasoned ninja warrior, don't forget to pack a healthy dose of self-worth too.

Sure, having a checklist and contingency plans is wise. It's always good to be prepared, even for the unexpected ninja attack. But amidst all the survival guides and notarized letters, don't forget to embrace the beauty of the present moment. Life's curve balls may be wild and unpredictable, but they also offer opportunities for growth, resilience, and a good laugh.

So, my friend, as you venture into the unknown, remember to hold your head high, cherish your self-worth, and approach each challenge with a sprinkle of humor. After all, when life hands you lemons, you might as well make a hilarious stand-up routine out of them! And who knows, maybe one day you'll find yourself laughing in the face of a ninja, armed with nothing but a positive attitude and a snappy comeback.

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