Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Facing My Senior Year with Optimism and Anxiety


As I prepare to begin my final year of college, I find myself experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. On one hand, I'm filled with a sense of excitement and optimism about the future. This is the year I've been working towards, the culmination of my undergraduate studies, and the gateway to the next chapter of my life. I'm eager to tackle the challenges that lie ahead and maximize my potential in the classroom and during my practicum.

However, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also feeling a fair amount of anxiety. Senior year represents a significant transition, and with that comes a certain degree of uncertainty. Will I be able to successfully balance my coursework, my practicum responsibilities, and any extracurricular activities? Am I truly prepared to put into practice everything I've learned? What if I fall short of my own high expectations?

These doubts creep in from time to time, but I'm doing my best to maintain a positive outlook. I know that I've worked hard to get to this point, and I'm determined to make the most of this final year. My practicum, in particular, has me both excited and apprehensive. It's an opportunity to apply my knowledge in a real-world setting, but I'm nervous about meeting the expectations of my supervisors and making a meaningful contribution.

Despite these anxieties, I'm choosing to focus on the optimism. I'm grateful for the chance to push myself and grow as a student and a future professional. I'm looking forward to the intellectually stimulating discussions in my classes, the chance to collaborate with my peers, and the opportunity to make a difference through my practicum work.

Most importantly, I'm committed to doing my absolute best. I may not have all the answers, but I'm going to approach each challenge with determination, resilience, and a willingness to learn. This is my chance to shine, and I'm determined not to let it slip away.

As I embark on my senior year, I know that the road ahead may not be easy, but I'm ready to embrace the journey. With a blend of optimism and a healthy dose of managed anxiety, I'm confident that I can make this my most successful and fulfilling year yet.

Jake Wheat

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Grandma.

Yesterday I was part of a group text, that group text reminded me of the reason behind my social work journey.

Instead of "taking a shot" at anyone publically, I will comment that my Senior year at Spalding University School of Social Work is about to start, and I am happy to report that I have a 4.0 currently and will start my practicum in child welfare.

There are kids who, like myself, went through abuse and neglect and now my mission is to help them.

Generational trauma, regardless of who contributes, can manifest in many areas. I no longer care contribute to the dysfunction and venom, it's pointless. Sometimes saying no, refusing to contribute to the toxicity, and removing yourself from the contagon is the best way to pave a path forward for yourself and others around you.

Children do not have to wade in your mistakes to absord the waters of  your negativity.

I will fall on the ears of people who are willing to contribute to my success, and choose to celebrate the peace that that brings. To that, my dear friends, I "toast" to you - a fond "I love you."

Thank you for being a sane part of my life.

Happy heavenly birthday Grandma. I know you have been with me on this  journey also, I can feel your spirit, the alcohol free kind. 😉

Friday, July 19, 2024

We learn by example.

My only opinionated post about this issue, and then my life moves forward. Keep your comments to yourself. I will block abrasive people.

I have given a lot of thought about Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20 year old who attempted to shoot tRump. This is what CNN should be talking about, not the toxic RNC.

Us folks who have been around a while have seen Presidents come and go, but this KID was 12 years old when tRump was elected President. He has not been privy to healthy confict resolution, and has witness America "on fire," with school shooting, COVID, and even how voters react with January 6th and the insurrection.

WE ARE NOT BEING ROLE MODELS. WE ARE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE.  We can do the US vs THEM until we are blue in the face, argue with each other and spit venom at friends and family (like THEY do), but it's ultimately US that needs to set an example since our "leaders" have choose violence among each other.

I am not at all a person who supports tRump for many many reasons, ultimately he is furthest from being a decent human being, has been convicted of rape, cannot admit any fault, blames everyone else, has felony charges which was proven in a court of law, and nothing can offset that evicence and conclusion - no matter how "I was set up, and I am not guilty" he claims to be.

We all know how this works, this is the narrative our CHILDREN are hearing, and one of them reacted in the way he was shown.


We need to remember our morals and values, and teach our children to LOVE EACH OTHER and RESPECT EACH OTHER - and stop the vicious cycle of partisan venom that THEY cannot seem to contain.

Project 2025 will hurt me. I don't care what you think about it, it will HURT me and people like me. It was created by evil people and is now adopted by tRump and his new wife abusing VP.

We need to set better examples for generations of children who are watching, because they learn by example.

We learn by example.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024



It is time - if you are old enough to VOTE, and need to get registered to VOTE - please go to: https://vote.gov/

I want you to realize that LGBTQIA+ people are threatened, now more than ever, and pay attention to Project 2025, and what that could mean for YOU as an American.


Read Project 2025 and search for LGBT and read what they plan for us:


If you want an inclusive America where freedoms are for all people, then VOTE - and do not skip this election, your future may depend on it.

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