Monday, March 4, 2024

2093 out of 3000: What do I most dislike about my appearance?

 Let's talk for a minute about this issue, and I am going to quote Katy Perry:

'Cause you're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down
You're wrong when it's right
It's black and it's white
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
(You) You don't really want to stay, no
(You) But you don't really want to go
You're hot then you're cold
You're yes then you're no
You're in then you're out
You're up then you're down

I do not like that I have gained weight, and would like to be physically fit again, instad I am on a hilarious rollercoaster relationship with food, weight, and body image.

Picture this: I used to be a beefed-up bodybuilder, strutting around at a solid 190lbs with 3% body fat. 

I also boxed. Yup. I channelled my inner Chuck Liddell, and some say the resemblence WAS uncanny:

Oh yes, I loved myself, maybe a tad too much. It was all fun and games until trouble came knocking at my door.

Enter a wild multiple sclerosis relapse that left me paralyzed. But fear not, I've got that under control now. However, the aftermath of steroids and recovery has me rocking an undisclosed number on the scale. You see, I used to be a gym rat, hitting the weights four times a week and even doing boot camps on Sundays. It was my whole lifestyle, and suddenly it got interrupted like a dramatic plot twist.

Depression crashed the party, and guess what? I turned to food. I just didn't care anymore. It was like a "whatever" moment, as if Joan Cusack herself had taken over my body. I mean, who needs abs when you can have a panic attack over being a completely different person and getting diagnosed with MS?

Life sure knows how to throw curveballs, but hey, at least my journey with food and body image has become an epic comedy with unexpected twists and turns. Pass the popcorn!

I became Joan Cusak, and all I wanted was food:

Guess what? I'm no longer the neurotic mess I used to be. Nope, not anymore! Thanks to my investment in social work classes and therapy, I'm becoming emotionally stable. Who would've thought, right?

Now, let's talk about this week's self-care assignment. Get ready to witness the epic fitness journey of a lifetime. Drumroll, please! I'm dusting off my Planet Fitness membership and strutting my stuff there every single day. That's right, folks, I'm hitting the gym like a pro!

But wait, there's more! I've committed to AT LEAST 30 minutes of cardio each day. Prepare to see me sweating it out on those fancy machines, looking like a slightly awkward action movie hero. It's going to be a sight to behold!

Oh, and did I mention my plant-based diet? Yep, I'm sticking to it like a champ. Veggies, fruits, and all things green are my new best friends. However, hold your horses because there's a special exception to this green extravaganza. Once a week, I indulge in a juicy, mouthwatering steak. It's like a preexisting self-care ritual that I just can't resist. Hey, life's all about balance, right?

So there you have it, folks! My journey to emotional stability, daily cardio adventures, and the occasional carnivorous delight. Buckle up and grab your popcorn because this comedy show is just getting started!

How do you lose weight doing 30 minutes of cardio a day, and when is the best time?

Losing weight through 30 minutes of cardio a day can be an effective approach when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle. While the best time for cardio exercise may vary depending on individual preferences and schedules, here are a few considerations to keep in mind:

Consistency is key: 

The most important factor is to establish a consistent routine that works for you. Whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening workouts, choose a time when you can commit to your exercise regimen consistently.

Morning workouts

Exercising in the morning can help kickstart your metabolism for the day. It can also provide an energy boost and set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Additionally, morning workouts may be easier to stick to since they're less likely to be interrupted by unexpected events or fatigue.

Afternoon or evening workouts

Some people find that they have more energy and perform better during later parts of the day. Working out in the afternoon or evening can also help relieve stress accumulated throughout the day and serve as a way to unwind.

Ultimately, the best time for cardio exercise is when you enjoy it the most and can maintain consistency. If you're not a morning person and struggle to find motivation early in the day, it may be better to schedule your workouts at a time that suits your natural energy levels.

Remember, losing weight is not solely dependent on cardio exercise alone.

If you want to shed those extra pounds, you've gotta want it like a kid wants candy on Halloween. Um, maybe not the best metaphor.....but it's time to reach for your dreams, but not just any dreams—dreams of a slimmer, fitter you. And here comes the best part—you've gotta sprinkle a generous amount of magic fairy dust all over yourself. That's right, folks, we're taking flight to the nearest gym on wings made of pure enchantment!

Picture this: you, dressed in your finest gym attire, waving your magic wand (or maybe just your water bottle) and soaring through the gym doors. It's a sight to behold, trust me! With every step on that treadmill and every push-up you conquer, you'll feel the power of the fairy dust working its magic. You'll be transforming into a weight loss superhero right before your very eyes!

But wait, there's more! As you sweat it out and work your way towards your fitness goals, you've gotta believe in yourself like a kid believes in the tooth fairy. That's right, folks, it's time to unleash your inner believer! Believe that you have what it takes to make those pounds disappear, just like a magic trick that leaves everyone in awe.

This was my first meal plan when I starting training at the gym, which was provided by my personal trainer:

So there you have it, folks! Grab your magic fairy dust, take flight to the gym, and believe in yourself like never before. It's time to make weight loss a comedy extravaganza that will leave you laughing all the way to the land of fitness and beyond!

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