Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Ray of Sunshine - The Ethical Pickle: NASW Social Workers Code of Ethics Presentation FILM & Extras

Ray of Sunshine- The Ethical Pickle: National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics 

This video was a presentation assignment for my Code of Ethics Class at Spalding University, it took three days to make and was a lot of fun to put together. I will be talking more on this blog about the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, but for now please enjoy this show film.

The script is below, and there were minor deviations, but you can follow along if you would like. :)

Final Script
Jake A. Wheat
Spalding University – School of Social Work – Ethics Video Script

Original Brandng Artwork

Ray of Sunshine Recovery Center
VO in the tone of “Special Victims Unit.”

A social worker is the clinical director of a substance abuse treatment center. The
social worker is a member of a committee at the agency that was putting together a
public relations and marketing strategy to enhance the treatment center’s visibility
in the local community. The treatment center’s assistant director asked the social
worker to identify “three or four of our most satisfied former residents who might
be willing to appear in commercials and print advertisements” publicizing the
program. What would you do?


Jake - The social worker grappling with the ethical considerations of involving
former residents in marketing. As the lead, Jake should be charming and likable
while also competent in his social work skills.

Mark - The director of the treatment center who works with Jake to develop an
ethical marketing strategy. As Jake's boss, Mark needs to come across as
understanding yet authoritative in guiding their discussion.

Colleague 1 - A member of Jake's team who offers the first idea for ensuring
confidentiality through anonymous testimonials.

Colleague 2 - Another colleague who emphasizes the importance of voluntary
participation free from pressure.

Former Resident 1 - One of the alumni interviewed by Jake. As the first to speak,
this person's humor helps set a lighthearted yet realistic tone.

Former Resident 2 - Also interviewed, this resident wants a marketing approach
focused more on genuinely sharing recovery stories than unrealistic portrayals.

Rehab center "easter egg" artwork

Narrator - Guides the viewers through the video, providing context and transitions
between scenes. The narrator's voice should match the upbeat yet informative
style. He advises him on balancing ethics and marketing needs. Even in a brief
role, Barbara's advice sets the stage for how Jake will approach the situation.

[Video opens with upbeat music and a montage of shots showcasing the treatment
center's facilities and activities]

Final Script PDF.pdf
Jake A. Wheat

Easter egg artwork

Narrator: "Ethical Considerations in Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Marketing: Involving Former Residents"

[Cut to Jake, a social worker, sitting at his desk, reading an email from his
executive director.]

[Scene: Treatment center director's office. The director, Mark, is sitting at his
desk, reading an email on his computer. Jake enters the office.] 

Jake: Good morning, Mark. Got a minute?

Mark: Of course, Jake. What's on your mind?

Jake: I wanted to talk to you about the email I received from the assistant director
regarding our ad campaigns.

Mark: Ah, yes. I just read that email myself. It seems we're being asked to involve
former residents in our marketing efforts.

Jake: That's correct. But I have some concerns about the ethical implications of
such a request. I think back to my time at Spalding, and class with Dr. Rae, we
need to be careful with this one. We could end up in an ethical pickle.
Pulls out a pickle and takes a bite.

Mark (winces): I understand where you're coming from, Jake. Ethical
considerations are important in everything we do. What specifically worries you
about this assignment? (winks at camera, narrator says wink VO)

Jake looks at the camera and breaks the fourth wall with a look.

Jake: Well, Mark, involving former residents in our ad campaigns raises questions
about informed consent, privacy, and potential exploitation. We must ensure that
their participation is voluntary and that their identities in real life are protected.

Mark: Absolutely, Jake. I completely agree. We need to approach this with utmost
sensitivity and respect for their well-being. Let's explore how we can address these
concerns while still achieving our marketing goals. (Pulls out a flowchart and a
mathematical analysis).

Jake breaks the fourth wall again. Grinning.

Jake: I was thinking we could use anonymous testimonials or fictionalized stories
to convey the message of hope and recovery without compromising their privacy
Jake winks at the camera.

Jake resumes talking to Mark: I mean, honestly, what is with being an executive
director and having those face tattoos?

Mark: I AM the executive director of a recovery center, yes, but also I
used to be in recovery and that is my confidential backstory. I am also your boss, so please
respect that. Also, that's the point WE are trying to make about respecting
confidentiality and respecting our clients past, JAKE. By ensuring that their
identities remain confidential, we can protect their privacy while still showcasing
the positive impact of our treatment center.

Mark also winks at the camera, and then goes back to his video game on his phone.

Jake: Ok, additionally, we should make sure that their participation is voluntary
and free from any perceived pressure or exploitation. We don't want them to feel
obligated to share their experiences.

Mark: Absolutely. It's crucial that their involvement is a genuine choice. We can
have open and honest conversations with former residents, explaining the purpose
of the campaign and the potential impact it may have on them.

Jake: Right, Mark. We want to empower them to make an informed decision about
participating, based on their own comfort levels and personal circumstances. They
do not have to resemble actual clients here but can indirectly be based on them.

Mark: Precisely, Jake. Our former residents' emotional well-being should always
be our top priority. We must gauge whether their participation aligns with their best
interests and support them accordingly.

Jake: I'm glad we're on the same page, Mark. (Pulls out a book and turns the page
that also is from a book on mark’s desk with the same page) It's important to
maintain our professional ethical standards while effectively promoting our
treatment center. (winks at camera)

Mark: Indeed, Jake. Ethical marketing practices can help us build trust and
credibility with our audience, which ultimately benefits both our organization and
the individuals seeking our help.

Jake: Agreed, Mark. Let's approach this assignment with care and ensure that our
marketing strategy is respectful, empowering, and focused on the overall mission
of our treatment center. And this video.

Mark: Absolutely, Jake. I appreciate your conscientious approach to this matter.
Let's work together to create an impactful and ethical campaign that truly reflects
our commitment to supporting recovery.

Jake: Thank you, Mark. I'm confident that by prioritizing ethics and the well-being
of our former residents, and former addicts with face tattoos like you, we can
achieve a successful marketing campaign that aligns with our values.

Mark: I couldn't agree more, Jake. Let's get to work on developing a plan that
ensures we meet our goals while upholding our ethical responsibilities.
[The scene ends with Jake and Mark discussing the details of the campaign and
brainstorming ideas.]

Jake (to himself, raising an eyebrow): "Well, well, well, it seems I've stumbled
upon another ethical pickle. My assistant director wants former residents to star in
our ad campaigns. But how can I navigate this ethically, while keeping things
informative, entertaining, and focused on our core values?"

[Cut to a shot of Jake reviewing the NASW Code of Ethics, with a playful
expression on his face]

Narrator: "Jake dives into the NASW Code of Ethics, ready to unlock the secrets of
ethical marketing."

Jake has a scuba mask and a snorkel.

[Cut to a close-up of relevant sections of the NASW Code of Ethics, with
humorous sound effects]

Narrator: "Section 1.06 highlights conflicts of interest, and section 1.09
emphasizes the well-being of colleagues. Looks like you have your work cut out
for you, Jake!"

Jake: (To narrator) Yeah, it’s a real ethical pickle. Pickle crunch shot. They want
former residents to be in our center’s ad campaign? What's a social worker to do to
protect my former client’s anoromimity.

Narrarator (smiling): "Jake, it's time to put on your ethical thinking cap and find a
way to balance marketing needs with the well-being of our former residents. Can
you handle it?"

Jake (with a theatrical gasp): "Challenge accepted, Narrarator! The show must go
on!" Much like this video assignment.

[Cut to a meeting room, where Jake discusses the request with a group of
colleagues, incorporating light-hearted banter]

Jake: "Alright, team, we've got a request to turn our former residents into
marketing superheroes. How do we save the day and keep our ethical compass
intact?" Shows a compass.

Colleague 1 Peter: "Well, Jake, we need to ensure their identities remain top secret,
like a spy on a mission! Anonymous testimonials could save the day."

Colleague 2 Matthew: "Absolutely! And let's make sure our former residents don't
feel like they're in a reality TV show. We want their participation to be voluntary
and free from any pressure."

Jake (raising an imaginary superhero cape): "Fear not, my colleagues! Our
marketing strategy will be ethical, entertaining, and as exhilarating as a
rollercoaster ride!" Who wrote this?

[Cut to a montage of shots showcasing the treatment center's facilities and
activities, with playful captions and humorous voiceovers]

Narrator: "In a world where recovery reigns supreme, our treatment center stands
tall. Witness the power of hope, the triumph of resilience, and the magic of

[Cut to Jake conducting individual interviews with former residents, adding a
touch of humor]

Jake: "Alright, former residents, buckle up! We're about to embark on an
extraordinary journey. But fear not, your secret identities will remain hidden, like
Clark Kent in glasses!"

Former Resident 1 (laughing): "I'm ready for my undercover mission, Jake! Just
promise no capes or spandex, okay?" Jake gives him a once over.

Former Resident 2: "Count me in, but let's keep it real, Jake. No cheesy
infomercials or awkward testimonials. Let's focus on sharing our stories in a way
that inspires others."

[Cut to a montage of shots showcasing the treatment center's success stories,
highlighting the personal growth and achievements of former residents]

Narrator: "Join us on an epic adventure as we celebrate real stories of triumph and
inspire hope in the hearts of those seeking a brighter future."

[Closing scene with Jake addressing the camera, striking a pose]

Jake: "Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a standing ovation to ethical marketing!
With informed consent, privacy protection, and a sprinkle of entertainment, we can
create a marketing strategy that shines brighter than a Hollywood blockbuster!"

[Video fades out with upbeat music]

Narrator: "Ethical Considerations in Substance Abuse Treatment Center
Marketing: Involving Former Residents. Get ready for a showstopping

[Blackout, fade in titles that say “Final ad edit”

[Open on establishing shot of the treatment center. Upbeat, hopeful music plays]

Narrator: It takes courage to admit you need help and want to make a change. At
Sunshine Recovery Center, you'll find the support and tools to transform your life.

[Cut to Jake speaking with a group of residents]

Jake: Recovery is a journey, but you don't have to walk it alone. Here at Ray of
Sunshine Recovery Center, we're a community dedicated to each other's well-being
and success.

[Shot of residents doing art therapy, gardening, playing basketball]

Narrator: Through clinically proven treatment programs, wellness activities, and a
caring staff, Sunshine helps you move past addiction to discover your full

[Shot of Mark at his desk, looking over at photos of proud graduates]

Mark: We're so proud of all our alumni and the lives they're rebuilding. Their
stories inspire us and others daily.

[Shot of anonymous silhouette of graduate]

Graduate: Sunshine saved my life when I felt all hope was lost. I found myself
again there. They give you the tools to choose happiness every day.

[Shot of Jake and residents walking towards the camera with smiles]

Jake: You deserve to feel empowered, healthy and free. Take the first step and call
Sunshine Recovery Center today.

Narrator: Sunshine Recovery Center. Where healing begins.

[Shot of the center with the sun rising in the background as the music swells.
Phone number and logo appear on screen before fade to black.]



Stock Establishing Shot: Wide angle of the treatment center from across a field or

OS Jake's Office: C.U. of Jake reading email on laptop at desk.

Office: M.S. Jake entering office, M.S. Mark at desk looking up.

2 Shot: Jake and Mark talking across desk.

MS: Jake pulling pickle from drawer, taking a bite.

2 Shot: Jake and Mark continuing conversation.

POV Jake: Jake breaking fourth wall, shot from his
perspective. M.S.: Jake showing flowchart/analysis to

OS Classroom: Group shot of team brainstorming solutions.

LS Recreation Area: Residents doing activities like art, sports with voiceover.

OS Mark's Office: C.U. photos on desk, Mark looking pensively.

Silhouette: Anonymous person from the shoulders up.

Group Shot: Jake walking with residents with smiles.

MS Phone: Jake handing resident phone receiver.

EST: Stock - Wide of treatment center with sunrise.

SLOGAN: "Find Your Path to Hope and Healing With A Ray of Sunshine!

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