Sunday, March 3, 2024

2094 of 3000: On What Occasion Do I Lie?


I don't lie.

That is a lie.
I try not to lie.

We all tell little white lies sometimes, don't we? Those small fibs that don't really hurt anyone. But I've been trying to be more honest with myself - and with others.

Lying is such a natural human impulse in certain situations. When we want to avoid confrontation or spare someone's feelings, it can feel easier in the moment to bend the truth a little. But I'm coming to realize that lies, even small ones, chip away at trust over time.

I used to think I never lied. But the truth is, we're all capable of it. Sometimes a half-truth slips out before I can catch myself. It's usually nothing major, just a little exaggeration or omission to make myself look better or avoid an awkward topic. But it still bothers me when I realize I've done it.

My new goal is to be as truthful as possible, while also being tactful. It's a work in progress to find that balance. I'm trying to pause and think through situations more carefully before responding, so I have time to separate facts from feelings. And when I do slip up, I try to acknowledge it and correct the record.

Being perfectly honest all the time isn't realistic, I know. But little by little, I want to shrink the space between my words and the truth. 

It takes practice to override that instinct to gloss over or dodge difficult issues. But it feels good to hold myself accountable, and I've found people appreciate sincerity, even if it's imperfect.

The lies I tell seem small, but truth matters. I'm going to keep sharpening my honesty muscles and having faith that being real, in the long run, is the best policy.

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